In Koilihai, a village in the drought-prone region of Bundelkhand, lives a woman named Chamela, a Koli Dalit. Over time, Chamela grew weary of walking every day to a distant…
- EnglishEnglishGender & Casteताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्ड
Every Month is Dalit History Month
द्वारा खबर लहरिया April 28, 2021As we bid farewell to another Dalit History Month, here’s why it’s vital to remember that casteism is as alive and well in rural India as much as the IIT’s…
- EnglishEnglishGender & Casteताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्ड
For Mission Nari Shakti, we first need Purush Sanshakti // New Year, Same Old Burden of Safety from Male-inflicted Violence on Women
द्वारा खबर लहरिया March 31, 2021With International Women’s History Month coming to a close, Khabar Lahariya’s special report on the Uttar Pradesh government’s Mission Shakti campaign explores the age old and yet current problems in…
- BlogEnglishEnglishताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्ड
Rural healthcare system beyond Covid-19
द्वारा खबर लहरिया March 22, 2021Tuberculosis, pneumonia, and malnutrition are ailments that continue to plague rural communities, regardless of the hard-fought battle against the pandemic. Khabar Lahariya shines a light on how the rural healthcare…
- BlogDevelopmentEnglishEnglishताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्ड
Access, Redressal & Finance in Uttar Pradesh : The Farmers in Rural Uttar Pradesh
द्वारा खबर लहरिया March 15, 2021In this fifth video of a six-part series, we follow different farmers in rural Uttar Pradesh to understand the frequency and magnitude of incomes they earn from agriculture. The video also…
- BlogHindiPoliticsखेतीजिलाताजा खबरेंपानी और स्वच्छताफ़ीचर्डबाँदारोज़गारविकास
मुख्यमंत्री ने किया बुंदेलखंड का दौरा, किया 924 करोड़ रूपये लागत की 229 परियोजनाओं का लोकार्पण
द्वारा खबर लहरिया March 10, 2021बांदा: शहर के जीआईसी ग्राउंड में बने भारी भरकम मंच तले 10 मार्च को उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने चित्रकूटधाम मण्डल की 924 करोड़ रूपये लागत की 229…
- BlogEnglishGender & Casteताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्ड
Women creating their own spaces, one step at a time
द्वारा खबर लहरिया March 2, 2021Senior reporter @naznirizv follows the journey of women in Chitrakoot, who are challenging the normatives established by patriarchy in their own way. Purportedly a work demanding ‘manly’ physical strength, more and…
- EnglishEnglishताजा खबरेंफ़ीचर्डमनोरंजन
“Pyaar aur Parivartan” Love and Conversion, a Valentine Day special from Bundelkhand
द्वारा खबर लहरिया February 14, 2021Khabar Lahariya’s Meera and Nazni speak to three women in relationships from across rural UP & MP, on what it really means to change for your partner and yet retain…
- BlogEnglish
Access Redressal finance in Uttar Pradesh :The transgender community in Uttar Pradesh
द्वारा खबर लहरिया February 1, 2021By Anubhutie Singh, Beni Chugh, & Malavika Raghavan This is the fourth video of our six-part series with Khabar Lahariya, the award-winning rural digital journalism platform run by women in the media-dark hinterlands of…
- BlogEnglish
Access Redressal Finance in Uttar Pradesh : Migrant labourers of Uttar Pradesh
द्वारा खबर लहरिया February 1, 2021By Malavika Raghavan, and Anubhutie Singh, Dvara Research This is the third video of our six-part series with Khabar Lahariya, the award-winning rural digital journalism platform run by women in the media-dark hinterlands of Uttar Pradesh…