खबर लहरिया Deep-dives Women Empowerment in Rural India: Just a Catchphrase or Reality?

Women Empowerment in Rural India: Just a Catchphrase or Reality?

If you are based out of a city, chances are you may feel like Women’s Day celebrations are overdone – they start much before 8th March and can extend up to a week, particularly during the pandemic. From discounts, campaigns, virtual events, panel discussions to brands clamouring for attention with their social media messaging; there’s a flurry of activity everywhere but there’s someone who is largely missing from all this action – rural women. This week, we step away from the (mostly) shehri buzz of Women’s Day and bring you the different facets of women empowerment in rural India, complete with its complexities, some bright spots and the long road ahead for nari shakti. She Leads  *Terms and Conditions Apply