Sitamarhi district, Block Sonbarsa in Bihar has around ten villages that are connected to the nearest town by one road. But to reach that road, the villagers have to cross…
This year rainfall has been very erratic. Farmers are suffering due to early and delayed rainfall. The earth is parched and the crops are breathing their last. According to agriculture…
- DevelopmentEnglishचित्रकूट
What is the advantage of building a dam?
द्वारा खबर लहरिया August 14, 2013Chitrakoot district, Karwi Block, Rasin village. Devsharan tells us, ‘The Rasin Dam was built five years ago. Hundreds of peoples’ irrigated lands were taken away. The government hasn’t given us…
Unseasonal rainfall in Uttar Pradesh this June has caused heavy losses to peppermint cultivation. The Lekhpal (the village level official who takes care of land-related matters, like land disputes, compensation…
- DevelopmentEnglishवाराणसी
Paddy Cultivation, in the Absence of Water
द्वारा खबर लहरिया August 14, 2013Varanasi District; Chiraigaon, Cholapur Block; Shankarpur, Chandpur, Dharsauna, Jagdishpur village. 150 bigha (a bigha is a little over 2500 sq. meters) of paddy cultivation has wilted in the absence of…