खबर लहरिया Deep-dives Episode 14: India’s Unbroken Chains- Labour Migration in the Time of COVID-19

Episode 14: India’s Unbroken Chains- Labour Migration in the Time of COVID-19

  Through the lockdown, stranded workers have appealed to Khabar Lahariya on social media and on the phone to amplify their requests for help. Banda railway station on May 7 appeared to be a model of Covid-19 preparedness. Health workers wearing personal protective gear, some with face shields, roamed the platform. The policemen on duty wore masks – one even had his lathi wrapped in plastic for germ-free law enforcement. A trail of painted circles led the way out of the station, a hub for the Bundelkhand region, to a long tent with two rows of officials, sitting spaced apart in front of computers. Beyond them, a fleet of freshly sanitised buses waited to take people home.   It had