खबर लहरिया ताजा खबरें Goldie’s dream to become a photographer l Udaan Fellow | Chambal Academy X Buniyaad

Goldie’s dream to become a photographer l Udaan Fellow | Chambal Academy X Buniyaad

Goldie, a dedicated Udaan fellow from Kanpur, spends her days working in a brick kiln. Despite her challenging circumstances, she nurtures a profound aspiration to become a photographer. Through the Udaan Fellowship, Goldie aims to learn the basics of journalism, equipping herself with the skills to capture and narrate the untold stories of her community. Her ultimate goal is to bring about positive change in her society by shedding light on the struggles and resilience of those around her.

Also see: 

Janki’s Journey in a brick kiln amid Climate Change | Udaan Fellow | Chambal Academy X Buniyaad


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