खबर लहरिया English What is the Point of Institutional Deliveries?

What is the Point of Institutional Deliveries?

mahila mudda rampuriya for webChitrakoot district, Pahadi block. In the Rampuriya village here, Parvati delivered a girl child at a Primary Health Centre (PHC) in Pahadi block in June 2014. As per the Janani Suraksha Yojana under the National Rural Health Mission (NRHM), a woman who chooses to deliver in a government health centre, Parvati is entitled to a cheque of Rs. 1400 but she is still to receive the incentive.

Parvati said that though more than a month has passed since she delivered, and despite her repeatedly approaching the authorities for the cheque, she has been returned empty handed. She has also requested the Asha worker to accompany her to help matters but in vain. Parvati comes from a poor family and each trip to the health centre to get her cheque, costs Rs. 30 one way. This is a significant amount for her. As a result, she has now almost given up hope for this financial assistance that is her right.

The doctor at the PHC, Dr. Shivkant Shukla said that Parvati’s discharge form is missing. If she can come with the discharge papers, the centre would be able to give her the cheque. He then went on to blame it on the fact that there was no budget for the Janani Suraksha Yojana as of now, leaving no clear option for Parvati.

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